Used oil
Businesses that generate dangerous waste must also handle used and waste oil properly. While used oil is a recyclable commodity, waste oil must be handled by a permitted treatment, storage, and disposal facility in accordance with the dangerous waste regulations.
If you are a generator, collection center, aggregator, transporter, transfer facility, processor, off-specification burner, or marketer, use the information below to help you handle your used and waste oil correctly.
If you are a household or individual looking for ways to recycle your used oil, please go to 1-800-RECYCLE.
Generator type |
Documents for reference |
Used oil generator: a business or facility that causes oil to become used or waste oil. | Rules for used oil generators describes what businesses should do with used oil. |
Used oil collection center: a site or facility registered (or permitted) by local government to accept and collect used oil from used oil generators. | Best Management Practices for Used Oil - Collection Centers |
Used oil aggregator or aggregation point: a site or facility that collects used oil from other sites or facilities owned by the same oil generator. | Best Management Practices for Used Oil - Aggregation Points |
Used oil transporter/transfer facility:
Best Management Practices for Used Oil - Transporters & Transfer Facilities |
Used oil processor: a business that produces a fuel and a used oil re-refiner that makes a cleaned oil lube stock from used oil. |
Rules for used oil processors and re-refiners Best Management Practices for Used Oil - Processors and Re-refiners |
Off-specification burner: a facility that burns off-specification used oil for energy recovery in an industrial furnace, industrial boiler, or a utility boiler. | Best Management Practices for Used Oil - Off-Specification Used Oil Burners |
Used oil marketer: the first person to claim that the used oil meets the contamination limits or who directs the shipment of off-specification used oil directly to a burner. Marketers must notify us. | Best Management Practices for Used Oil - Fuel Marketers |
- Used Oil Facts explains many details of used oil management.
- Best Management Practices for Used Oil - Definitions & Prohibitions explains some terms you may find while reading these guidance pages.
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