
LQGs and MQGs must register for RCRAInfo
EPA has issued their final Third Rule, which integrates the e-Manifest system with exports and other manifest-related reports. Effective Jan. 22, 2025, large and medium quantity generators (LQGs and MQGs) must register for RCRAInfo to access the e-Manifest system to obtain their final signed manifest copies.
TurboWaste is the electronic reporting system that businesses and facilities can use to submit:
- Dangerous waste annual reports.
- Dangerous waste notifications (such as episodic events, large quantity consolidation, hazardous secondary materials).
To submit your reports in TurboWaste, you will need a:
- Secure Access Washington (SAW) account.
- Electronic Signature Account (ESA) form on file.
Follow the steps on this page or read our guide to TurboWaste and how to file an ESA.
How to access and submit reports in TurboWaste
To access TurboWaste, you will need a Secure Access Washington (SAW) account, then add TurboWaste as a service from within SAW.
Why do you need an ESA on file?
In order to submit your reports, an authorized representative for the site must have an ESA on file. The ESA adds the level of security that the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) CROMERR (Cross Media Electronic Reporting Rule) requires for electronic submissions. All users that submit reports through TurboWaste must have an ESA on file to meet EPA's electronic submissions criteria.
NOTE: If you previously had an ESA on file, your account is still active.
Frequently asked questions
Contact information
Dangerous Waste Annual Reporting Team