Dangerous waste annual report

LQGs and MQGs must register for RCRAInfo
EPA has issued their final Third Rule, which integrates the e-Manifest system with exports and other manifest-related reports. Effective Jan. 22, 2025, large and medium quantity generators (LQGs and MQGs) must register for RCRAInfo to access the e-Manifest system to obtain their final signed manifest copies.
The dangerous waste annual report is a combination of required forms and other documents that summarize your dangerous waste activities in Washington.
If you have an active EPA/State Identification (ID) Number, then you must submit a dangerous waste annual report.
- Reports are due March 1.
- This is a federal requirement.
- We cannot give extensions.
You may submit your report one of two ways:
- Online via TurboWaste.
- Paper reporting.
What do you need to complete your report?
Site identification (ID) form
All reporters with an active EPA/State Identification number, regardless of generator category or activities, must complete this form. The Site ID form provides contact information and a summary of waste activities for the reporting year.
Other reporting forms
In addition to the Site ID form, you may also be required to submit one or more of the following forms with your annual report. Review the criteria for each form to determine if you need to submit it.
Other information
In addition to the forms above, you will also need to submit:
- All Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifests for the reporting year.
- Records of dangerous waste quantities generated, accumulated, and managed.
- Waste profiles, if you have them.
- Recycling credit documentation issued by your designated facility if you recycled your waste.
- Bills of lading.
- Waste codes.
Depending on your generator category and activities, you may be required to provide additional information about dangerous waste management, shipments, and waste received.
Frequently asked questions
Related links
Contact information
Dangerous Waste Annual Reporting Team