Cleaning up contaminated sediment in Washington
We're cleaning up contaminated sediment along coastlines, embayments, estuaries, and rivers. Sediment can include silt, sand, cobble, and beaches. Clean sediment improves the health of marine and freshwater environments. Contaminated sediment can harm aquatic animals (such as shellfish) that live on or in it. Other animals that depend on these sediment-dwellers for food can also be harmed, including fish, harbor seals, orcas, and people.
We focus our sediment cleanups in areas with high environmental and economic value. This includes areas with natural resources and critical habitats like:
- Shellfish and eelgrass beds
- Herring and salmon spawning habitat.
- Salmon migration corridors
When these habitats are cleaned up, they can improve human and environmental health, increase recreation opportunities and improve the economy.
We use the Sediment Management Standards (SMS) rule to manage and clean up contaminated sediment and prevent further contamination. We:
- Manage sediment cleanup sites
- Provide expert technical support
- Implement and update the Sediment Management Standards rule
- Develope guidance and policy
- Conduct activities that prevent pollution
Major contaminated sediment sites in Washington
We're working on cleaning up rivers and priority bays in Puget Sound.
North Puget Sound
- Bellingham Bay
- Fidalgo Bay, Anacortes
- Port Gardner, Everett
Central Puget Sound
- Duwamish Waterway, Seattle
- Commencement Bay/Nearshore Tideflats, Tacoma
- Eagle Harbor/Wyckoff, Bainbridge Islandwyckof
Hood Canal Area
South Puget Sound
- Budd Inlet, Olympia
- Oakland Bay, Shelton
Strait of Juan de Fuca
Guidance for cleaning up contaminated sediment
- The Sediment Cleanup User’s Manual (SCUM) provides guidance for:
- Cleaning up sediment contaminated by chemicals.
- Sediment sampling for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitted facilities.
- Risk-based Cleanup Levels Calculation Spreadsheets (SCUM Appendix K)
- Wood Waste Cleanup Guidance is guidance for cleaning up sediment contaminated by wood waste.
- Sustainable Remediation: climate change resiliency and green remediation is a guide to help cleanup project managers make cleanup sites more resilient to the impacts of climate change.
Other technical information about contaminated sediment cleanup
- Sediment Technical Resources page
- Sediment Management Annual Review Meetings (SMARM)
- Puget Sound Estuary Protocols
Sediment studies
Regional background
Regional background includes chemical concentrations in sediment that are from diffuse sources, like stormwater, rather than a specific source. This is a concept in the SMS rule that can be used to set sediment cleanup levels. It can also help evaluate cleanup options, and identify potential areas for cleanup in the future. Regional background is set for a specific area, like an embayment or a lake. We have set regional background in these areas:
- Bellingham Bay (City of Bellingham)
- Port Gardner Bay (City of Everett)
- Lake Washington Area (City of Seattle)
- North Olympic Peninsula and Port Angeles Bay
- South Puget Sound
Baywide studies
As part of the Puget Sound Initiative, we've completed baywide sediment studies to help with our cleanup work:
- Budd Inlet
- Port Gardner Bay
- Oakland Bay (City of Shelton)
- Port Angeles Bay
- Port Gamble Bay
- Fidalgo Bay (City of Anacortes)
Marine Monitoring Program
We evaluate the health of six urban bays in Puget Sound as part of our long-term Marine Sediment Monitoring Program.
Ecology’s sediment data
- Environmental Information Management System
- EIM Data Submittal Requirements
- EIM Data Analysis Tool (EDAT)
Other sediment-related work at Ecology
Dredged Material Management Program (DMMP)
The DMMP includes Ecology, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Seattle District), Washington Department of Natural Resources, and the Environmental Protection Agency (Region 10). This program manages the in-water dredging and disposal of marine sediment. This could be from navigation channels, restoration sites, and cleanup sites in Puget Sound or along the Pacific coastline.
For information on the Dredged Material Management Program, contact:
- Ecology’s Shorelands and Environmental Assessment Program
- The Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District
- Washington Department of Natural Resources
Regional Sediment Evaluation Team (RSET)
The RSET includes Ecology, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Portland District), Washington Department of Natural Resources, the Environmental Protection Agency (Region 10), Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, and National Marine Fisheries Service. This program manages the dredging and in-water management of sediment in freshwater. This could be from navigation channels, restoration sites, and cleanup sites.
For information on the Regional Sediment Evaluation Team, contact:
- Ecology’s Shorelands and Environmental Assessment Program
- Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District
- Washington Department of Natural Resources
Ecology’s Environmental Assessment Program
- Marine Sediment Ambient Monitoring
- Laboratory Accreditation
Ecology’s Water Quality Program
Related links
Contact information
Chance Asher
Policy Analyst/Toxicologist