Spokane International Airport PFAS site
Enforcement order and public participation plan
March 29, 2024, 1:11 p.m. - May 27, 2024, 11:59 p.m. PT
You are invited to review and comment on the enforcement order and public participation plan.
The enforcement order requires Spokane International Airport (SIA) to complete a remedial investigation and feasibility study. The remedial investigation will determine the full extent of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and other contamination in soil and groundwater, and the feasibility study will evaluate cleanup options. The order includes a scope of work and schedule for completing the investigation and study.
The order was effective on March 29, the day we issued it. However, any public input about the investigation, such as personal knowledge of the site’s history or places you believe should be investigated, can be used as we develop the remedial investigation work plan. We planned a 60-day comment period to allow for at least 30 more days after people receive the notice in the mail.
The public participation plan describes how you can be involved during the cleanup process.
Learn more
- Review the Enforcement Order and Public Participation Plan.
- Visit our SIA PFAS cleanup site page.
Next steps
Ecology will consider and respond to all comments we receive during this public comment period. We will post our response to comments document on our SIA PFAS cleanup site page and send the document to people who submitted comments.
Site history
In 2017 and 2019, SIA hired an environmental consultant to sample a total of six different monitoring wells on the airport property for PFAS. Sample results for all six wells had levels of PFAS above Washington’s state action levels (SALs).
PFAS had been identified in wells in and around the nearby Fairchild Air Force Base earlier in 2017. PFAS, a known human health hazard, are in firefighting foam used to control petroleum fires at airports and military installations.
In early 2023, Ecology received the 2017 and 2019 groundwater sampling results from a third party who got them through a public records request. We completed an initial investigation, and then added the airport to the Contaminated Sites List.
Comment online
- Use our online comment form
- Submit your comment by email: Jeremy.Schmidt@ecy.wa.gov
Comment by mail
4601 N. Monroe St.
Spokane, WA 99205
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