Find a grant or loan
Find a grant or loan and details about the application process, eligibility, types of projects, timelines, requirements, and other information. Click on one of the links below.
Air & Climate
- Clean diesel grants
- Landfill methane emissions reduction grants
- Local partner core operations grants
- Local partner particulate matter grants
- Overburdened communities grants
- Prevent nonattainment grants
- Tribal carbon offset assistance program grants
- Tribal consultation grants
- Volkswagen enforcement action grants
- Wood smoke reduction grants
- Wood stove education and enforcement grants
Water & Shorelines
- Aquatic invasive plants management grants program
- Coastal Protection Fund – Terry Husseman account (THA) grants
- Columbia River Basin water management grant
- Drought planning and preparedness grants
- Drought response grants
- Flood control assistance account program (FCAAP)
- Floodplains by Design grant program
- Freshwater algae control grant program
- Puget Sound National Estuary Program stormwater strategic initiative grants
- Puget Sound nutrient reduction grants program
- Shoreline planning competitive grants
- Stormwater capacity grants
- Stormwater grants of regional or statewide significance
- Streamflow restoration competitive grants
- Water banking pilot grants
- Water quality combined funding
- Watershed plan implementation and flow achievement grants
- Wetlands conservation grants
- Yakima Basin integrated planning grants
Waste & Toxics
- Community litter cleanup program grants
- Local solid waste financial assistance program grants
- Public participation grants
- Ramp litter cleanup program grants
- Waste reduction and recycling education grants
Spills & Cleanup
- Affordable housing cleanup grants
- Affordable housing planning grants
- Area-wide groundwater investigation grants
- Equipment cache grants for spill response
- Independent remedial action grants
- Integrated planning grants
- Oil spill restoration funding
- Oversight remedial action grants and loans
- Safe drinking water action grants
Contact information
Dawn Drake
Ecology Grant and Loan Coordinator