Find a grant or loan
Find a grant or loan and details about the application process, eligibility, types of projects, timelines, requirements, and other information. Click on one of the links below.
Learn more about climate action in Washington.
Air & Climate
- Clean diesel grants
- Landfill methane emissions reduction grants
- Local partner core operations grants
- Local partner particulate matter grants
- Overburdened communities grants
- Prevent nonattainment grants
- Tribal carbon offset assistance program grants
- Tribal climate capacity grants (formerly known as climate consultation grants)
- Volkswagen enforcement action grants
- Wood smoke reduction grants
- Wood stove education and enforcement grants
Water & Shorelines
- Aquatic invasive plants management grants program
- Climate Resilient Riparian Systems grants
- Coastal Protection Fund – Terry Husseman account (THA) grants
- Columbia River Basin water management grant
- Drought planning and preparedness grants
- Drought response grants
- Flood control assistance account program (FCAAP)
- Floodplains by Design grant program
- Freshwater algae control grant program
- Puget Sound National Estuary Program stormwater strategic initiative grants
- Puget Sound nutrient reduction grants program
- Shoreline planning competitive grants
- Stormwater capacity grants
- Stormwater grants of regional or statewide significance
- Streamflow restoration competitive grants
- Water banking pilot grants
- Water quality combined funding
- Watershed plan implementation and flow achievement grants
- Wetlands conservation grants
- Yakima Basin integrated planning grants
Waste & Toxics
- Community litter cleanup program grants
- Local solid waste financial assistance program grants
- Public participation grants
- Ramp litter cleanup program grants
- Waste reduction and recycling education grants
Spills & Cleanup
- Affordable housing cleanup grants
- Affordable housing planning grants
- Area-wide groundwater investigation grants
- Equipment cache grants for spill response
- Independent remedial action grants
- Integrated planning grants
- Oil spill restoration funding
- Oversight remedial action grants and loans
- Safe drinking water action grants
Contact information
Dawn Drake
Ecology Grant and Loan Coordinator